
hot medium meaning in Chinese



  1. The onion perhaps the most dominant provider of fake news anywhere is bringing its brand of humor to the hot medium of the moment : online video
    《洋葱》报? ?可能是美国最大的假新闻炮制者,现在要用它那众所周知的幽默恶搞冲击现实大热的在线视频传媒领域。
  2. At present , national innovation system has gradually become a hot media topic . the organization for economic co - operation and development ( oecd ) is also put emphasis on the research about national innovation system
    经济合作与发展组织( oecd )将国家创新系统理论作为研究重点,为oecd成员国制定创新政策提供理论框架。
  3. The dried powder product was formed in the spray dryer by pressure nozzle which atomized liquid into small droplets and heat and mass transferring was performed between droplets and hot medium in the drying chamber
  4. Chapter two is mainly about mcluhan ' s theories , such as the theory of " the global village " , " the media is the message " , " cold media and hot media " , " media is the extension of human being " , " rear - view mirror " and " laws of media "
  5. My company product is centering on " hot high technology superconductivity " technology mainly " , hot medium of superconductivity " is a formula technology from the medium introducing to abroad , my company jointly concentrating on studies and experiment many years passes with relevant expert , the calorific efficiency , boiler having raised a boiler rise going over quickly , energy conservation is very effective on it being applied successfully having been in a boiler
    我公司产品主要是以高科技“超导热”技术为核心, “超导热介质”是从国外引进的介质配方技术,我公司会同有关专家经过多年的潜心研究和实验,把它成功的应用在了锅炉上,提高了锅炉的热效率,锅炉升温快节能效果显著。
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Related Words

  1. hotter
  2. hot
  3. hottest
  4. hot hot hot
  5. hot media
  6. hot media
  7. hot medicated compress
  8. hot melt
  9. hot melt adhesive
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